Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
Bleaching means ro lighten the stain on each tooth by using chemical agents.
Treatment duration: 3 to 6 months
Home Bleaching
Dentist will take impression of teeth and make a bleaching tray. Patient will put gentle bleaching agent to the tray and wear the tray according to the dentist's instruction. Patient should go back to dentist for review after a course of treatment.
Power bleaching
This is performed inside dental clinic. Dentist will use strong light to catalyst highly concentrated bleaching agent to whiten teeth.
The involved tooth must receive endodontic treatment beforehand.
A cotton pellet with bleaching agent is placed inside the pulp and tooth is temporary filled.
Patient will regularly follow up and review in dental clinic and change the cotton pellet with bleaching agent as required. The cotton pellet is removed and tooth is filled when bleaching process is finished.
Within a week after the whitening treatment, highly pigmented diet should be avoid, such as tea, coffee, curry, dark-colored vegetables and pigmented beverages.
A straw can be used for drinking pigmented beverages. Rinsing mouth after drinking can lower the chance of staining.
Avoid smoking.
Brush and floss properly.
Have regular dental checkups and receive scaling every half a year.
Veneer is a thin layer of porcelain cemented to tooth surface by resin after minimal preparation of tooth surface.
To improve tooth size,shape and colour of teeth.
To decrease gap between teeth.
To cover discoloured teeth.